Class of 1975 – 50th Reunion

Reunion registration is now open!

A Bowdoin Reunion (May 29–June 1) is a truly unforgettable experience and this year we welcome friends and alumni from class years ending in five and zero and all post-50th reunion classes, also known as the Old Guard, back to campus. We hope you’ll make plans to join us as it promises to be a celebration full of joy, entertainment, connections, memories, and of course Bowdoin dining!

Register Now

Weekend plans will continue to be posted to this site and to, so please continue to check back for updates.

Look who's coming Yearbook Submissions
Peter Adams
Lisa Andrews
Pamela Arnos
Marty Babcock
Bradley Bagshaw
Kenneth Baker
Barry Barbash
Brian Barron
Muzzy Barton
Ellen Baxter
Dianne Bazell
Patricia Bekele
Jonathan Bell
Liddy Berry
Gail Berson
Dana Bourgeois
Garrett Bowne
Bradford Boyd
Peter Briggs
Iris Brooks
Kevin Bubriski
Douglas Buckley
Neil Buono
Deborah Wheeler Burk
Walter Burke
Larry Butler
Stephen Byrus
David Caras
Philip Carpenter
Charles Carrigan
Don Caton
Tim Chan
John Chapman
Judith Clancy
Paul Clancy
Cathy Clare
Wayne Clayton
Cheryl Coffin
John Collins
Barbara Moss Connell
Christa Cornell
Michael Coye
Gary Cullen
Christopher Cunningham
Scott Curtiss
Brian Damien
John Danaher
Claude Davis
Jeff Deetz
Paul Dennett
Jim Derby
Scott Diddel
Charles Dignman
Stanley Druckenmiller
Robert Duerr
Leo Dunn
Ken Farber
Jason Fensterstock
Victor Fields
Donald Fiorillo
Emily Flouton
Nancy Fontneau
Chester Franklin
Karen Freedman
Dan Friend
Mark Fullerton
Bernard Gallacher 
Robert Gay Jr.
Patricia "Barney" Geller
Dana Goldsmith
Philippa Gordon
Jo Greene
Curtis Ham
Matt Hamabata
Charlie Hambelton
Suzanne Hamilton
Bob Hannum
Richard "Dick" Henderson
Joe Herlihy
Stephen Hermans
Deborah (Duffy) Hight
Rebecca Holliman
Rick Hubbard
John Humphreys
Michael Hutchinson
Bob Isaacson
Michael Jacobs
Bill Jensen
Celeste Johnson
Bruce Johnson
Steven Kaplan
Traver "Trampis" Kennedy
Eben Kent
Doug Kneale
Roy Knight
Lawrence Kolkhorst
Robert Kubacki
Frederick Laire
Hank Lange
Betsy Lawlor
Bob Lawson
Janet Lawson
Jack Layne
Jeffrey Lee
Dennis Leveris
Thomas Liebtag
Paul Liistro
Mark Lincicome
Peter Lind
Creighton Lindsay
Jan Linhart
Harvey Lipman
Peter Logan
Tommye Lyons
Adine Mable-Lee
Helen MacNeil
Deborah Mann
Andrew Masland
Dano McCarthy
Joe McDevitt
Jamie Miles
G. Scott Milnor
Kevin Mitchell
Stephanie Monaghan-Blout
Brian Moody
Stephen Morrell
Andrew Munitz
Peter O'Brien
Amy Pearlmutter
Peter Pizzi
Lawrence Pizzi
Glen Pomeroy
Timothy Poor
Patricia Pope
Tawana Cook Purnell
Emily (Emmy) Reade
David Reeves
Nancy Reichley
Judy Reinhold-Tucker
Karen Regnate
Brand Rendle
Doug Riley
Sammie Robinson
Scott Robinson
Susan Sanders
John Seeler
Candace Schuller
Jacques Sciammas
Michael Schneider
James Sensecqua
Dan Shapiro
Mary Anne Shube
Rick Shube
Todd Siler
Chris Skinner
Roger Slayton
Alex Smith
June Smith-Hartness
Paul Smith
Rob Smith
Saddie Smith
Seth Sprague
Gwendolyn Stretch
Geoff Swaebe
Robert Taisey
Barbara Tarmy
Mark Terison
Patsy Aherns Thalheimer
Charlie Thalheimer
Peggy Kiernan Theroux
Edward Titcomb
Susan Tomita
Kel Tyler
Mark Vallone
Mary Van Arsdel
Mary Ann Villari
Scott Vinall
Dan Vogt
Ray "Chick" Votto
Joyce Ward
Peter White
Scott Wilson
Thom Wooten
Derek Yopp

Please enjoy photos from Reunion Weekend 2024: